Peptic ulcers can be cured by yoga and the inflammation of the inner organs of the body can be reduced with the help of yoga. Peptic ulcers are generally caused by the viruses of h pylori. This virus causes burning sensation in the inner intestine and the upper abdomen. It causes strange and vague sensation on the empty stomach. These simple ulcers when are not taken care of, they penetrate in the deeper layers of the stomach and cause scratches in the internal linings of the body.
These peptic ulcers are found in most people and could be hereditary. It causes imbalance in the normal digestive cycle which leads to other problems of stomach ache and constipation. These ulcers cause a burning sensation in the internal linings of the intestine and increases troubles like acidity and gastric troubles. It may last for several days if left untreated and uncured. It can be treated medically but taking yoga exercises on regular basis can help to provide a sure cure to the ailment. The most common type of ulcer is the peptic ulcer which can cause pain and a lot of discomfort. These ulcers are considered as painful sores that occur in the stomach and upper small intestine. Ulcer symptoms differ in most people; some don’t have symptoms at all and others would have. The symptoms can be described as persistent pain, burning sensation in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, bloating feeling after meals, and in severe cases the loss of appetite and weight loss. There are treatments to reduce or eliminate ulcers and these are all by natural methods such as the use of natural herbs.
• Aloe Vera is good for soothing and is anti-inflammatory.
• Licorice roots which soothe the stomach and increase gastric circulation of the body.
• Oregon grape and barberry, both contain berberine substances that prevent bacteria.
• Astragalus – a kind of herb that has been used to treat ulcers for many years.
• Cranberry which helps prevent further infection in the stomach.
• Slippery Elm which can help protects the lining of the stomach.
• Cabbage juice high in glutamine which is effective against ulcers.
• Turmeric can decrease too much acidity in the stomach.
• Marshmallow which helps relieves pain and inflammation.
• Cat’s Claw which is a woody vine that reduces inflammation of ulcers.
• Rhubarb, it prevents growth of bacteria in the stomach.
• Meadowsweet and Mullein are good as pain relievers.
What causes Peptic Ulcer?
A strong family history of ulcer is found in most persons with ulcer. This family tendency fixes the target organ at the physical level (Annamaya kosa) to manifest the internal imbalance that started in mind (Manomaya and the Pranayama Kosa).
All the other causes mentioned in the list are the triggers. They cause an imbalance either by decreasing the protectors or increasing the aggressors. H.Pylori, is a bacterium, which lives on the surface of normal stomach as a harmless opportunist. When the defenses of the stomach lining are poor they start penetrating and enjoy the meal from the deeper layers of the stomach.
Sthiti: Prone Posture
ü Bend the knees and hold the ankles by the palms.
ü As you inhale, raise the head and the chest upwards. Pull the legs outwards and backwards so that the spine is arched back like a bow.
ü Stabilize (rest) on the abdomen.
ü Do not bend the elbows.
Avoid smoking because nicotine has bad effects on your stomach. Continuous smoking results to slower healing of the ulcers and increase recurrence of ulcer pains. Avoid drinking too much coffee and avoid carbonated drinks as much as possible.