What are the benefits of Yoga OR The Power of Yoga – Healthy Nation

The extreme Power of Yoga

Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it. Let's do it: that yoga thing. However, the prime aim of yoga is to not only understand how to control the mind, but also to attain a higher level of consciousness.  This implies joining or integrating all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul - to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life, and spiritually uniting the individual with the supreme. These powers – whatever we seek, in fact – is in us. One of the greatest miraculous discoveries of the philosophy of yoga is that whatever we seek is in ourselves. It is not outside, because there is no such thing as ‘outside’. Buddhism and other Eastern spiritual traditions use many techniques derived from Yoga. It's the exercise cum meditation for the new millennium, one that doesn't so much pump you up as bliss you out.

This is considered desirable as life is analyzed as ultimately full of sorrows and pain- even pleasure and joy leave pain and loss when they have gone as nothing in the material world is permanent. The only reason why the rush to the gym is declining is because one does not get a feeling of complete well-being merely from gymming whereas while doing yoga, you relax and in turn, you undergo a process of healing.

The main benefits of Yoga are:-

ü  Removes body toxins through sweat
ü  Heals disorders like acid stomach
ü  Helps getting rid of obesity
ü  Increases the calorie burning capacity of body
ü  Helps coping with asthma, cancer, bronchitis, insomnia and sinus
ü  Helps to deal with hypertension and menstrual disorders
ü  Increases stamina, strength and flexibility of body
ü  Improves blood circulation and immune system
ü  Improves concentration and self-control

Yoga is therefore a spiritual quest. However, along the path of yoga, the aspirant also gains health, happiness, tranquility and knowledge which are indicators of progress and an encouragement to continue their practice. Yoga now straddles the continent — from Hollywood, where $20 million-a-picture actors queue for a session with their guru du jour, to Washington, where, in the gym of the Supreme Court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and 15 others faithfully take their class each Tuesday morning.  A path to enlightenment that winds back 5,000 years in its native India, yoga has suddenly become so hot, so cool, so very this minute. 

The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning to yoke, join or unite.  
Everywhere else, Americans rush from their high-pressure jobs and tune in to the authoritatively mellow voice of an instructor, gently urging them to solder a union (the literal translation of the Sanskrit word yoga) between mind and body. These Types strivers want to become Type B seekers, to lose their blues in an asana (pose), to graduate from distress to de-stress. Fifteen million Americans include some form of yoga in their fitness regimen — twice as many as did five years ago; 75% of all U.S. health clubs offer yoga classes. Many in those classes are looking not inward but behind. So from today only make Yoga your daily practice and feel the extreme power of Yoga propelling/thrusting you all day long.

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