What is Naked Yoga/Tantric Yoga and what are its benefits?

A student comes to yoga because of disease, by hoping that yoga can renovate, and restore health. Another comes from yoga to come after l' hearing of many advantages, in l' hope to be maintained in good health and to prevent the disease. D' others come while hoping for May challenge to themselves physically. And much come to slacken and to reduce the tensions and the stress, called on the contemplative side of yoga. All will find this qu' they seek yoga in practice. The list of the related questions to the health which yoga offers of help is very long indeed. The capacity of yoga to lower the blood-pressure and to reduce the stress helps with recovery after a heart attack. Dr. Dean Ornish, best-seller author, made research on the cardiac yoga and patients, yoga and recommend the time to prevent the heart attacks and within the framework of the process of recovery. The people suffering from fibromyalgia and the multiple sclerosis announced a reduction of the symptoms after a regular practice of yoga. Yoga improves l' balance, muscular tone, and seems to contribute to the fight against the tiredness which belongs to these diseases. Because of l' stress laid on the reinforcement, gently twisting, and d' to lengthen the spinal column and the small muscles which l' surround, yoga has a therapeutic effect on many types of evils of back and pains.

Yoga can also bring helps of sporting wounds, energy of the ischia-leg muscle tended, IT bandages pain (joint runners), of the repetitive movements and the wounds at the joints, with l' sealing and the loss of flexibility that muscles to develop and reduce l' sporting drive. Nothing can prevent ageing, but yoga can certainly make increasingly old more gracious and pleasant. Although we associate the people who it yoga with the photographs of the young person and beautiful sight in the magazines and publicities, the majority of the yogis are d' Middle Age and more. They know firsthand many the prevention and of protection advantages d' a physical practice of yoga as well as the mental health. In the physical field, yoga is based the force in the arms, of the legs and basic (the center of the body). Force allows us to raise, transport foodstuffs, residues of gardening, and to pass our own body with the facility. The practice of yoga also supports and improves the range of the movement in the spinal column and the articulations. A flexible spinal column allows us d' to reach Justus' to obtain something of l' cupboard, lean downwards to take something, and to turn the head to see that we lead. Mental, yoga and concentrates sharpens l' spirit. The postures are always made by putting l' accent on sensitizing and the breath and the body. It n' is not stupid of redoubling or to chatter all as a practitioner. The exercises of breathing are intended to recall us to take major breathings into full and with l' outside, not the breathings part those adults taken to us l' practice to take. Like the inhalations and exhalations become fuller, l' spirit becomes more serene and more peaceful. Moreover, yoga inspires a deep feeling of wellbeing. In the zones of l' organization which May being badly aligned or the behavior of tension is identified and the tension can be given in freedom. Challenges to take up in practice yoga and l' study are in hand. It is a complex system of philosophy and the writings behind the practice in detail why breathing and the postures are made and by discussing the advantages of the meditation thus. Philosophy of yoga includes a system of l' ethics, including the not-attack, not-flight, not-hoarding, sincerity, firmness, and l' car-investigation. If drawn with the reading and l' study, there exist many other books offering of the possibilities of s' to inform and to discuss yoga in this dimension thus.

Yoga enables us to still become. During a course of yoga, frequent pauses are taken so that l' one really can notice how we feel the effects of breathing and the postures have on our body, and what is our thoughts. A course of yoga finishes traditionally with the pupils laid down on the back in relieving pose while l' teacher brings point by point relieving for the body and l' spirit. Finally, in an interest practices formal meditation May to develop. When the body, l' spirit blows and to work together, of the positive changes, as well physics as mental occur. 

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